
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Ring it in.

When I get particularly excited, I've always had this twitch about me. My hands do this odd spasm and something deep inside of me just starts to shake. It's a little weird, I know, but I also like to think that maybe it's endearing. Maybe?
Anyway, I just ordered 21 packets of seeds from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds (www.rareseeds.com). And I am finding typing this post slightly difficult do to the fact that I'd really like to just break into a my-first-garden song and dance.

You see, I've never been one much for resolutions. Sure, it's a nice thought that we could start a new year and have that extra something to become an instantly better, thinner, more disciplined version of ourselves. But the truth is, we are no more likely to succeed at that this week than we were last week when we were eating gross amounts of Christmas cookies and Grandma's fudge. But fear not. I am not a total New Year pessimist. Instead of resolutions, I start the new year with a list of things I'd like to be and accomplish in the coming year. Sure, that sounds a lot like a resolution but hear me out.

I don't think these things will happen automatically and that some great change will occur in me as a new calender year begins. If I fall short in my attempts to be the kind of person I want to be and to do the kind of things I want to do, and make no mistake I will fall short, I can wake up the following morning and simply get back at my to-do list. Because when you follow my God you can rest assured that there really are no failed resolutions, only parts of us that are still a work in progress.

The coming 365 days are such an inspiring thing to look forward to! Much like a blank canvas, they could hold any mix of joy and sadness, possibility, trials, and lessons. I think of 1 Thessalonians 16-18. Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

Start painting your canvas this year with the highest of hopes. Just know, that your resolve to be better and do better is failed and imperfect from the start. And be emboldened to try anyway and try again and again because underneath everything you may paint lies the canvas itself, the foundation that we can have an eternal joy in Jesus no matter the circumstances that may be with us that day.

Here's what I hope to see in 2013.
I will have a baby. Of that I'm sure, but I am hoping for another natural birth and I'm hoping for a successful breastfeeding relationship.
I would like to get back to doing things the more natural way: namely our diets but also getting back to cloth diapers 100% of the time, making cleaning products etc.
Which brings me to the point I started out on during this post, I want to garden! And will be doing so with my lovely seed packets I'm so excited to have ordered. (More on that another day)
I want to take more photos.
I want to be a better blogger.
And most importantly, I want to strive everyday, with the help of God, to be the kind of woman who is described in Proverbs 31. Oh, I'll fail. Comically. But I will continue to try.